I am delighted that we meet here!
My name is Birgitta Borghoff. I am a multiperspective researcher, creagilator, mentor and coach by heart. I have several years of practical and research experience in the fields of communication, entrepreneurship, project and arts management, in coaching creative and highly sensitive people (HSP) and in personality and potential development. My strong intuition and exceptional empathy, a high sensitivity for situations and interdisciplinary approaches as well as distinctive entrepreneurial and communication skills empower me to approach various topics and problems in a professional, innovative and sometimes somewhat unconventional way. I love to build bridges between people, businesses and cultures. Developing creative ideas and designing innovative projects from the original idea to realization fills me with deep joy. Likewise I enjoy motivating, encouraging and challenging people to become the best version of themselves.
At the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences I do research and teach in the areas of communication, creative agility, innovation design and dntrepreneurial storytelling. On a voluntary and advisory basis I serve on the Board of Trustees of the Sulzberg Foundation. As an entrepreneur I build bridges with my creative venture INNOVANTIQUA and develop holistic paths to success with my integral business brückenwege – all this for and together with people and companies that want to break new ground.
Does that resonate with you? – Then I look forward to hearing from you by email.
Warm wishes
Birgitta Borghoff, MA
zhaw.ch: Research & development, teaching, consulting, coaching and training in the research and practice field of Organizational Communication and Entrepreneurship at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
kreative-agilitaet.com: Creagile action research and development projects, workshops and labs based on arts-based, communication and organizational development strategies as well as artistic, multiperspective, and transdisciplinary action research interventions.
entrepreneurialstorytelling.net: Research & development, consulting, creative impulses in the field of Entrepreneurial Storytelling.
soulmate-explorers.ch: Travel blog about living a soulmates life – together with my love Sascha.
sulzberg.ch: Member of the Board of Trustees at the Sulzberg Foundation. The foundation is responsible for the acquisition, preservation and operation of the property Museumstrasse 60 with the Villa Sträuli with its garden and courtyard, as well as some other properties. The Foundation promotes charitable endeavours and cultural activities in all artistic fields, but especially in the field of music and movement.
brückenwege.ch: Exploring holistic perspectives for and together with people and organizations that want to break new ground.
brueckenwege.blog: In my blog I share thoughts, poetry, healing impulses, stories, essays or texts about my multiperspective, i.e. spiritual and scientific research work. I share what moves me and reflect on soul matters (Soul Art), on coaching and consulting (Creative Flow) as well as on entrepreneurial thinking, feeling and acting (Entrepreneurial Spirit).
innovantiqua.ch: Mediation between arts and culture, education, economy and society.
Media coverage of the music festival and cultural enterprise INNOVANTIQUA
tsüri.ch (2024). «Es wird nicht alles besser, wenn man weniger arbeitet». Youtube documentation on panel discussion: How can working hours be reduced? 5 March 2024. tsüri.ch: Zentrum Karl der Grosse Zurich.
Söldi, Andrea (2023). Gründerin mit spiritueller Ader. Impact. Magazine of the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 2023(61), p. 24
Blum, Muriel (2023). Junge testen im Technorama den Alltag mit KI-Freunden. Winterthur: Der Landbote, 18.4.23.
Borghoff, Birgitta (2021). Mit Kreativer Agilität organisationale Transformationsprozesse gestalten. Language matters – ZHAW Blog for Language and Communication.
Die „Narrative Recherche“ im kommunalen Kontext. Eine diskursanalytische Case Study
The case study “Narrative Recherche” in a Municipal Context was commissioned by the Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen (HKS) Ottersberg in Germany. It was published by Birgitta Borghoff, founder of entrepreneurialstorytelling.net. ¨ This discourse-analytical case study reconstructs the language of public discourses by Bachelor’s and Master’s students in the course of the seminar “Narrative Recherche – Artistic Movements in Organizations” held at the HKS in the winter semester 2020/2021. Using the municipality of Ottersberg as a case study, the seminar firstly explores the topics and stories the students are moved by in the process of “Narrative Recherche” in connection with local politics and administration. Secondly, the way in which the students experience and evaluate the process of “Narrative Recherche” and the applied practices will be examined.
New Work – Die Zukunft ist jetzt
Die Corona-Krise hat hinsichtlich New Work und Leadership einiges aufgezeigt. Als „New Workerin“ mit mehreren Standbeinen hat Birgitta Borghoff drei Thesen für einen zentralen Transformationsbeschleuniger der Gegenwart entwickelt . Was wäre, wenn jeder Mensch das machen würde, was er leidenschaftlich will und wozu er sich berufen fühlt?
Netzwerken ist Kommunikation – Teil 1
Richtiges Netzwerken kann die Karriere in Schwung bringen. Denn: Beziehungen schaden nur dem, der keine hat. Doch worauf kommt es beim Netzwerken an? Auf was ist zu achten? Und ist es lernbar? Die Handelsschule KV Basel hat mit der Expertin Birgitta Borghoff gesprochen.
Hänggi, Nils (2019). Netzwerken ist Kommunikation (Teil 2), Expert interview with Birgitta Borghoff on the blog of the business school Handelsschule KV Basel, 16.10.2019.
Netzwerken ist Kommunikation – Teil 2
Sich verstellen ist anstrengend. Authentizität in der Kommunikation ist wichtig und wirkungsvoll. Natürlich „spielt“ man immer gewisse Rollen, aber je authentischer man sich beim Netzwerken verhält, desto grösser die Chance, dass sich einmal geknüpfte Netzwerk-Kontakte vertiefen und gemeinsame Projekte, Kooperationen oder Initiativen entstehen. Empathie und eine Prise Fingerspitzengefühl sind weitere wichtige Faktoren beim Netzwerken.
Entrepreneurial Storytelling blog
Entrepreneurial Storytelling
Research & Development, Consulting, Creative Impulses
brückenwege blog
Zweifelsfrei ~ Rauhnachtsbotschaft im Oktober 2022
Ruhelos durch die 10. Rauhnachtrennen wir, bevor das wahre Sein erwacht.Alte dicke Nebelschwadenbringen uns zuweilen zum Verzagen.Wir zaudern ob des eingeschlag’nen Wegs,zweifeln viel und stets.Doch die Reinigung tut not.Sie ist wahrlich Gnadenbrotwährend sie uns lotst durchs Abendrot.Folgen wir allein den Zeichen,wird uns kein Kummer mehr beschleichenund jeder Zweifel nun der Liebe weichen.
I am looking forward to your message!
Warm wishes,
Birgitta Borghoff